Event Name: The Secret Life of Spring Bulbs
Event Date(s): Saturday, 3/15/2025, 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM, 2 hours
Tickets Available: 12
Purchase Deadline: Friday, 3/14/2025 11:59 PM

Unlock the horticultural secrets of spring bulbs! Learn planting techniques, care practices, and design insights to create a stunning seasonal garden display.  All materials are included.

Instructor: NEBG Horticulture Staff

$40.00 Member | $48.00 Adult (includes admission to the Garden)

To register for a class:

  • Please log in or create an account.  The “Log In/Create Account” button is in the bar at the top right of the page.
  • Return to the class you wish to attend.
  • If you have not already done so, you will need to scroll to the bottom of the page and add Attendees.  You will need to add yourself and anyone else you wish to register with.
  • If you have already done this, the Attendees will be listed below and simply check the box next to the desired attendees. Make sure to choose the correct price category for each participant.  This can be found in the drop-down menu on the right-hand side of the screen, next to the name of the participant.
  • If you require assistance, please contact the Registrar at 508-869-6111 x 174 or email registrar@nebg.org.
  • Please note that we have recently changed our refund & cancelation policy.  We strongly encourage you to read the new policies. You will be prompted to agree to the policy to complete your order. You can read the complete policy here
  • Email Confirmation will be sent from do_not_reply@versaiwebservices.com

Construction Update: The Winter Garden is currently under renovation to improve accessibility and will remain closed until Spring 2025. All other gardens remain open.

Please log in to complete your purchase.