“The peace that the Garden provides is unique. Every day I see all types of people enjoying the Garden in different ways whether it be to smell the flowers, get their steps in, or look for frogs. People have fallen in love, become friends, and mourned loved ones here at the Garden. So many different memories have been created here whether it be an important business meeting, a night lights outing, or a fun art class. Visitors get married, learn about plants, drink beer, and dance to music. They read in the shade, laugh with their friends, buy gifts for their friends, and look for gnomes. For some, it may be a one-time visit they look back on fondly. For others, it is a lifelong relationship with love, heartbreak, hard work, and everything in between. The Garden provides a great space for people to get away from the hectic world and make new memories. As someone who loves hiking, my favorite place is the summit where I can look out over the Wachusett Reservoir.

A donation ensures that this cherished space continues to inspire moments big and small.”- Evan Nelson

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